动物为什么灭绝的原因 英语

Reasons for Animal Extinction

There are several reasons why animals become extinct. Some of the main causes include:

Habitat Destruction

Habitat destruction is a major factor contributing to animal extinction. The destruction of natural habitats, such as forests, wetlands, and coral reefs, leads to the loss of critical resources and shelter. This disrupts the balance of ecosystems and makes it difficult for many species to survive.

Climate Change

Climate change is another significant driver of animal extinction. The alteration of temperature patterns, rising sea levels, and changes in precipitation can disrupt the natural habitats and food sources of various species. Many animals are unable to adapt quickly enough to these changes, leading to their decline and eventual extinction.


Overexploitation occurs when humans excessively hunt, fish, or harvest animals for various purposes, such as food, medicine, or commercial trade. This can deplete populations to the point where they can no longer sustain themselves, resulting in extinction. Examples of animals that have been overexploited include the passenger pigeon and the Steller’s sea cow.

Invasive Species

Invasive species are non-native organisms that are introduced into new environments, often by human activities. These species can outcompete native species for resources, prey on them, or introduce diseases to which the native species have no immunity. This can lead to the extinction of native animals that are unable to adapt or defend themselves against the invader.


Pollution, such as air and water pollution, can have detrimental effects on animal populations. Chemical pollutants can contaminate food sources, disrupt reproductive cycles, and weaken immune systems. This can result in reduced reproductive success, increased vulnerability to diseases, and ultimately contribute to the extinction of certain species.


Animals become extinct due to a combination of factors, including habitat destruction, climate change, overexploitation, invasive species, and pollution. These factors disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems and make it challenging for animals to survive and reproduce. It is important to address these issues to protect vulnerable species and maintain biodiversity.
